Beth’s CV


Gunshor, B. (March 2018) Executive Functions in the Preschool Population: What are they and can they be taught? Talk presented at Launching into Literacy & Math, Madison, WI.

Gunshor, B. (September, 2017)  Why do they wiggle so much? Executive function skills in the preschool population: What they are and how to strengthen them. Talk presented at Early Childhood Music & Movement Association, Greater Madison Area Chapter, Madison, WI.

Gunshor, B. (June 2013, 2014) Early Childhood Music and Movement daylong workshop for Elementary Methods Week. Full day course taught for Wisconsin Center for Music Education Waunakee, WI.

Gunshor, B. (November, 2011) Music and Movement Activities to Develop Basic Speech and Language Skills. Talk presented at Iowa State Music Conference, Ames, IA.

Gunshor, B. (2014, 2010) Music and Movement Activities to Develop Basic Speech and Language Skills.  Talks presented at Wisconsin State Music Conference, Madison, WI.


ECMMA: Early Childhood Music & Movement Association (2010-2012) Vice President: Convention.

Co-organized ECMMA International Convention, July 2012.

FABM: Fellowship of American Baptist Musicians (2007-2010) Secretary.


American Speech Language Hearing Association

International Dyslexia Association


State of Wisconsin, Department of Public Instruction

State of Wisconsin, Department of Safety and Professional Services, 154-2180

ASHA, CCC: Certificate of Clinical Competency



6/14/19: Latin for Orthographers 2 (Real Spelling)

6/7/19: Nature of the Phoneme (LEX)

5/4/19: Orthographic Instruction with the Word-Sum & Matrix in SWI (DTI)

5/4/19: Building Blocks of Mathematical Abilities (DTI)

5/3/19: Accessing Math Language Through Structured Word Inquiry (DTI)

5/3/19: Basic Linguistics for Teachers (and everyone else) (DTI)

4/28/19: Supporting Your Child’s Learning Through Assistive Technology (DTI)

4/27/19: Syntax Matters: Developing Sentence Skills (DTI)

4/27/19: Igniting Classrooms with Structured Word Inquiry (DTI)

4/27/19: Understanding Those “Irregular” Words (DTI)

4/20/19: OG and SWI: Complementary or Incompatible? (DTI)

4/14/19: R made simple: Methods that Address the Challenges of Pronunciation, Spelling and Dialect. Nancy Geruntino (NSS)

2/9/19: Grammar for Grown-ups (LEX)

1/2019: How to Tackle Grammar Goals with Confidence (SLP Summit)

1/12/19: Attention Matters – Managing Focus and Effort to Strengthen Executive Function Skills In Students With Various Learning Disabilities, Sucheta Kamath (SLP Summit)

1/11/19: The Critical Role SLPs Can Play in Improving Outcomes for Struggling Readers, Corey Pollard (SLP Summit)

1/11/19: Why is Writing So Darn Hard, Bonnie Singer (IDA-UMB)

1/1/2019: Ethics for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (PDR)


9/29/18: Unstuck and On Target: Improving Executive Function, On-Task and Flexible Behavior (edWeb)

9/27/18: Executive Functioning Skills in Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (edWeb)

5/7/2018: The Journeys Words Take U.s On (DTI)

5/7/18: What is the Difference Between OG and SWI? (DTI)

5/6/18: Breaking the Code: Unlocking Multi-Syllabic Words for Struggling Readers (DTI)

5/1/18: Structured Word Inquiry (DTI)

4/30/18: Cognates Through a Pedagogical Lens (DTI)

4/25/18: Using ASL Signs to Support Literacy Instruction of LD Students (DTI)

4/24/18: Building a Strong Foundation in Language and Literacy for Dyslexia Students (DTI)

4/10/18: Smart But Scattered: Executive Dysfunction at Home and at School (PESI)

March, 2018: The Science of Silence (LEX)

1/9/18: Practical Interventions to Improve Independent Executive Function Skills (SLP Summit)


2017: Real Script (Real Spelling)

2017: International Phonetic Alphabet (Real Spelling)

2017: Lexical Doublets (Real Spelling)

12/2017: The Zero Allophone (LEX)

8/1/17: Got R Problems?  A Phonemic Approach to R Remediation (YappGuru University)

8/2/17: Social Thinking in the Early Years: A Case Study (YappGuru University)

7/31/17: Create the Perfect Schedule (YappGuru University)

8/3/17: Brain Talk: Building Metacognitive and Executive Functioning Skills in Therapy (YappGuru University)

8/8/17: 5 Mistakes to Avoid in Data Collection (YappGuru University)

6/2017: InSights into InSight Words (LEX)

5/19/17: Executive Function Curriculum Teacher Training (Rush Neurobehavioral Center)

5/2017: Stress & the Schwa (LEX)

4/25/17: Executive Functioning: Tackle Homework and Classwork with these Helpful Strategies, Michelle Garcia Winner (Social Thinking)

4/13/17: Teaching Students with Literacy Problems – Including Dyslexia (edWeb)

3/2017: Old English for Orthographers (LEX)

1/15/17: Ethics in Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology (OnlineCEUs)

1/15/17: Using Language Webs and Altered Auditory Input to Improve Language Processing and Comprehension (Super Duper)


2016: Latin for Orthographers (Real Spelling)

2016: Lewis & Short Supplement (Real Spelling)

12/7/16: Executive Functioning Skills, Sarah Ward (CASE, IL)

Fall, 2016: Mindfulness for Beginners (MMSD, Edgewood)

10/1/16: Word Detectives Workshop with Gina Cooke and Pete Bowers (IDA, IN)

9/30/16: Using Coaching Strategies to Engage with Families in an Early Intervention Context (ASHA)

6/30/16: Collaboration with Interpreters: Securing Positive Outcomes (ASHA)

6/21/16: Day 2: Advanced Training in Interventions to Improve Executive Function Skills, Sarah Ward (Easter Seals, IL)

6/20/16: Cutting Edge Strategies to Improve Executive Function Skills, Sarah Ward (Easter Seals, IL)

5/2016: AUT 505: Autism Spectrum Disorders and Behavior Management (Phoenix)

Spring, 2016: ED 501: Speech, Language Development, and Intervention in Down Syndrome (Colorado State University, Pueblo)

4/23/16: WIBIDA Annual Conference, William van Cleave (WIBIDA)

2/23/16: Insight into Sight Words, Gina Cooke (IDA, UMB)

2/19/2016:  Wilson Reading System Introductory Workshop (EDUC548-048, Viterbo University)


10/17/14: Connectionist vs Traditional Models of Word Study Instruction, Jan Wasowicz (SPELL-LINKS)

3/11/14: CESA 5 School-Based SLP Institute (Sarah L Smith (EET), Michelle Garcia Winner)


2013: EDUC510-228 Spanish for Educators (Viterbo University)

11/7/13: Dyslexia, Dyscalculia & Dysgraphia: An Integrated Approach, Kathy Johnson (PESI)

7/30/13: Cognitive Rehabilitation: Therapy … Therapy … Therapy!!! (PESI)


3/28/12: Apraxia of Speech: Practical Assessment and Treatment Methods (BER)


2011: EDUC786-122 Autism Disorders (Viterbo University)

2011: EDUC786-126 Response to Intervention  (Viterbo University)


1/06: RDG 514: Primary Reading Methods (Phoenix)

1/06: RDG 518: Phonological Theory and Classroom Application (Phoenix)

BCG Language & Literacy is a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) resource dedicated to helping you or your child thrive. We specialize in  Speech Language Pathology, Executive Function, Spelling Help, ADHD Help, Literacy and Reading improvements.

We are located at 313 Price Place. Madison, Wisconsin.